Archaeological Sciences Certificate

Franklin College of Arts and Sciences



Archaeology is an interdisciplinary field that involves scientific applications (e.g. GIS Geographic Information Systems), palynology (the study of sediments and particles), stable isotope analysis, chemical analysis of glazes, and a variety of dating techniques (e.g. TMS, TL, OSL, and AMS radiocarbon). 

At UGA there is significant interest in archaeology and its scientific applications among students in different majors.  The goal of the Certificate in Archaeological Science is to consolidate and coordinate these students and expose them to the true scope of archaeology as a discipline.  Students will demonstrate proficiency in archaeology sciences in the classroom, in laboratory exercises, and in the field; learn about cultural contexts for the application of archaeological sciences; build basic principles of archaeological theory; and evaluate relevant data from the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

The certificate prepares graduates for public or private sector employment in archaeology or for an advanced degree in one of the archaeological sciences.