Mechanical Engineering

College of Engineering



Mechanical engineers create the modern society that we enjoy through mechanical research, design, manufacturing, and management and provide solutions to pressing challenges:  environmental, energy consumption, transport, and medical technology to name a few.

The Mechanical Engineering major at UGA provides a solid understanding of mechanics and kinematics, thermal and fluid systems, materials, and modeling topics.  It operates under several key principles:

* A 'Professional Spine' - a series of seminar courses that provide insight into today’s practicing engineer: systems thinking, different topical areas of mechanical engineering, and the professional skills required in today's job market.

* A 'Design Spine' - project-based studio courses, a service learning project, and final year two semester capstone design course with industry-driven projects.

* Co-op or research – the option to include either an Engineering Cooperative Experiential Learning Program or an undergraduate research experience through the Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities (CURO) as credit toward one of the electives related to the profession.

* Electives Related to the Profession - a set of two elective courses that allow students to diversify in topical areas beyond mechanical engineering relevant to their intended career path. 

Graduates design mechanisms ranging in scale from small, micro, and nano levels to large complex systems such as aircraft; develop detailed layouts and assembly of machine components; design and develop systems for energy production and utilization, including traditional and renewable energy systems; install and maintain systems for a sustainable built environment; and manage projects ranging from construction to industrial/manufacturing systems.