Music Composition

Franklin College of Arts and Sciences



The Hodgson School of Music at UGA is one of the rising leaders in music schools today, boasting approximately 600 students and 65 faculty members, some of the finest facilities in the nation, and upwards of 350 public performances each year (including world-class international artists and a twice-yearly residency of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra).

The Bachelor of Music with a major in Composition requires three years of applied study on a major instrument and three years of intensive study in composition.  This is supplemented by a strong foundation in theory, music literature, and applied study on a secondary instrument.  Students interview with the composition faculty at the end of their first year in order to be admitted to and remain in the composition program; full acceptance to the program requires a jury before the composition faculty in which second year composition class works are presented.  Recitals on the student’s major instrument are required, culminating with a composition recital that presents a multi-movement or large-form composition for an ensemble.

PLEASE NOTE: all students wishing to enroll in the School of Music must complete an audition, separate application in addition to the UGA application, and other admission criteria available online.

Career opportunities include composing original music for publication, radio broadcast, film, television, and advertising, or arranging music for various collegiate or professional performing groups (e.g. marching bands, dance bands, and other professional organizations).  Graduate study provides advanced training for the fields mentioned above and provides a credential for obtaining a teaching position in higher education.