
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences



Agribusiness involves processing and marketing food and fiber products; supplying inputs to agricultural production, processing, and transportation; and serving and regulating industry.  It accounts for 22% of the nation’s economic activity.

Agribusiness majors at the University of Georgia learn economic principles and strategies for successful agribusiness marketing, management, and finance.  Students take courses in economic theory, agriculture, management, marketing, accounting, communications, mathematics, and computers to develop decision-making skills for marketing, sales, processing, manufacturing, transportation, and international trade. 

The degree provides career flexibility for work in private industry, government, or managing your own business.

Available Minor: Agribusiness and Management 

Students are required to complete at least 15 hours of course work(minimum grade of a "C-" for each course) for the minor and all prerequisites must be taken prior to enrolling in the required courses. Courses taken to satisfy core Areas I through VI may not be counted. Courses being counted as part of a student's requirements for a major shall not be counted as part of the course work for the minor. Instead, a student must complete 15 additional hours from the listed courses that are not included in the student's major. No student shall take more than one minor in the Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics.

Study Abroad Options: Study Abroad Program in Oaxaca Mexico; Agriculture and Ecology in Tropical America - Guatemala (odd-numbered years) or Costa Rica (even-numbered years); International Agribusiness Marketing and Management: Focus on Mexico; Sustainable Agriculture in Mediterranean Regions